¿Who are we?

Its a team conformed by  professionals specialized highly cualified in the Technology of Informacion and Comunicacion (TIC), that helps in preventing, detecting and response to threats that come from Cyberspace and mitigatión of its efects, from the  Technological Infrastructure  of the Nacional Secreteriat of Defense.


Coordinate the Cyber Incident Response activities of the Mexican Army and Air Force to respond to any threat or incident from cyberspace against the Information Technology Infrastructure, applying specialized processes and procedures, based on the values that distinguish the Mexican Armed Forces and respectful of Human Rights.


To be a Military Cyber Incident Response Team, with specialized personnel and equipment, prepared to respond to any threat or incident from cyberspace, based on the values that distinguish the Mexican Armed Forces and respectful of Human Rights.


The Cyber Incident Response Team SEDENA-CERT provides services to the Technological Infrastructure of the Secretariat of National Defense, such as:

•Detection of cyber incidents.
•Investigation of cyber incidents.
•Response to cyber incidents.
•Digital Forensics.
•Statistics of cybersecurity events.



How to protect yourself from cloning or card theft threw the internet and móvil phones.

Recomendations of security while using Whatsapp.

Adobe acrobat Cybersecurity Bulletin.

Microsof Office Cybersecurity Newsletter.

SEDENA MARINA Glossary of Terms on Security in Cyberspace




Contact Information:


Phone Number.
(+52) 55 52939650


PGP KEY ID (Clic to download)

