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Welcome to Mexico

Find out which products you can enter the country and speed up your entry.

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria | 21 de diciembre de 2023
If you travel with dogs or cats you must also meet some requirements If you travel with dogs or cats you must also meet some requirements

It is of utmost importance the cooperation and awareness of vacationers to the work done by the Agriculture agency at the different points of entry into the country.

Did you know that Senasica regulates the foods that may or may not enter the country?

This work is of utmost importance to prevent the entry of pests or diseases that could endanger the production of vegetables and animals in Mexico.

If you are planning to enter Mexico from another country during this holiday season, in order to avoid setbacks and speed up your entry, we invite you to know which foods you can enter the country and which are prohibited.

The cooperation and awareness of vacationers is of utmost importance for the work carried out by Senasica, so it is important that before traveling you enter the website and consult the list of permitted and prohibited products.

If you are traveling with dogs or cats you must also comply with some requirements that you can consult at:

Don't forget that in addition to health regulations, airlines have requirements for traveling with pets. Get informed! That is the key to a smooth entry.

Welcome to Mexico, happy holidays!

See more information: Agriculture invites vacationers to get information about the entry of food into Mexico.


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