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Avian influenza A(H5N1) is detected in Aguascalientes

All producers must report any suspected presence of the disease

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria | 06 de septiembre de 2023
In order to control the outbreak, Senasica imposed a definitive quarantine on the three poultry production units involved, and will establish internal quarantine in the state of Aguascalientes In order to control the outbreak, Senasica imposed a definitive quarantine on the three poultry production units involved, and will establish internal quarantine in the state of Aguascalientes

The SENASICA reported the presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus in three chicken fattening farms in the Asientos and Rincón de Romos municipalities in Aguascalientes.

To control the outbreak, the SENASICA’s General Directorate of Animal Health (DGSA) imposed a definitive quarantine to the three afflicted poultry production units (PPUs), which housed about 826,800 birds, and will put the state of Aguascalientes on internal quarantine. The official veterinarians started implementing the ordered sanitary measures: depopulation, cleaning and disinfection, sanitary vacation, and use of sentries at the three afflicted PPUs.

The personnel also started the epidemiological investigation, which consists in sampling all family and commercial farms located within 10 km around the afflicted PPUs.

To help protect the production of chicken meat and eggs, the SENASICA called producers, veterinarians, and the general population to immediately report any suspected presence of the disease, through the 800 751 2100 phone number, and the Avise app on iOS and Android systems, or to report in person at any office of the Secretariat of Agriculture, the SENASICA, or the CPA’s coordination offices, located in all states in our country.

See more information at: The Secretariat of Agriculture detects avian influenza A(H5N1) in three farms in Aguascalientes

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