President Enrique Peña Nieto received German Chancellor Angela Merkel, currently on an Official Visit to Mexico, at the National Palace today.

The bilateral relationship is experiencing one of the best moments of its history. Thanks to the frequent meetings between the two leaders, a productive working relationship, based on frank and respectful dialogue, has been consolidated.

The two leaders said that the strength of the bilateral relationship is based on shared values, such as democracy, the promotion of free trade, human rights and environmental protection.

The Mexican President thanked Chancellor Merkel for the German government’s  support in the modernization of the legal framework between Mexico and the European Union, negotiations of which are expected to conclude this year.

German Investments in Mexico

The confidence that German companies have deposited in Mexico has been consolidated, and the Mexican Government reiterated its commitment to continue generating conditions to increase trade and investment flows, for the benefit of both countries.

The two leaders reviewed the results of the Germany-Mexico Dual Year 2016-2017.

They highlighted the positive results of this initiative, which contributed to the intensification of cultural, academic, scientific, commercial and tourist exchanges.