It was presented to Jorge Eduardo Bonilla, an industrial-electrical technician who graduated from CONALEP and now works at BMW.

 “The story of Jorge Eduardo is a success story that is repeated throughout the country every day, showing the virtuous circle between formal employment, investment in human capital and the benefits of social security”. At present, he said, “Six out of 10 credits granted by INFONAVIT are for young people aged between 18 and 24”: EPN

Requirements for requesting credit

There are three important factors behind the decision of a young person or couple applying for a loan from INFONAVIT to buy a home:

FIRST: Having a formal job that will enable them to pay off their loan and build their assets.

SECOND: The existence of conditions that encourage economic activity and create opportunities for professional growth.

THIRD: The confidence of young people that these conditions, their employment and economic stability will last in the long term.

 “Employment, economic stability and confidence are three conditions that have been consolidated for many years, thanks to the efforts of generations of Mexicans to build a better country. It is true, sometimes we would like the road to development to be faster, but as all those who have built up their assets know, prosperity can only be achieved through hard work, perseverance and permanent dedication”: EPN

New Housing Policy

INFONAVIT has been the cornerstone of assets creation, it has become the main mortgage institution in Latin America, and the fourth largest and most important one in the world.

Mexico has managed to evolve from a housing policy focused on housing production, to another one which, without stopping the engine of housing development, has people and their environment at the center of each action.

 “This is the guiding axis of the new housing policy implemented by this Administration, which led to the creation of a new Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), precisely to define guidelines and to regulate and establish public policies that will govern the development of housing in our country”: EPN

  • The maximum amount of credit for INFONAVIT beneficiaries rose from just over 500,000 pesos in 2012, to almost double that, 960,000 in 2016, and last year it was adjusted once again to set the credit limit at 1.7 million pesos.
  • In addition to this policy, there is the support granted by the Mexican State to those with lower earnings, which was not possible before.
  • Today, for those who have an income of less than 2.5 minimum wages, which is estimated to be in the order of two million workers, the government has decided, as of this year, to grant a subsidy of 100,000 pesos for families with this income level, which is practically a third of the level of credit to which they have access.
  • Access to larger amounts of credit is directly related to access to higher quality housing that meets the needs of families.

“And very importantly: INFONAVIT has not increased the interest on its housing loans. In addition, today these loans are granted in pesos, which is easily said, but previously loans were granted and  linked to minimum wages. This stopped happening thanks to the conditions of macroeconomic stability our country enjoys today and the confidence Mexico has today”: EPN

The financial strength of the Institute made it possible to grant the extraordinary dividend announced last December.

  • For every 100 pesos of savings in the housing sub-account, every worker earned 8.3 pesos more.

During this administration, INFONAVIT has granted three million housing loans, and the projections indicate that during this government, the Institute will have delivered 3.5 million credits.

“Which means that one out of every three loans granted by INFONAVIT will have been delivered during this government”: EPN