“The history of Mexico is the journey of a path that went through respect for differences and the leading role of society, that is, a path of memory and tolerance”, he said.

These are two fundamental elements that enable human beings to live in freedom and act responsibly; so that we can overcome our challenges and resolve conflicts in a peaceful, civilized way”: EPN

Memory is indispensable to avoid repeating the mistakes, injustices and crimes of yesterday.

  • “Only those who are aware of their past can fully understand their present and build a better future”.

Tolerance is key to achieving harmonious coexistence among those who think differently and are different.

  • “It is an especially important value for a multiethnic, multicultural country like ours that is defined by its diversity. We are a world within a nation, in which the historical coexistence between cultures unites us and gives us identity as well as a vision of the future”. EPN

The Case of Venezuela

Two days ago, in Lima, Peru, 16 countries from the American Continent raised their voice to clearly demand the restoration of democratic institutions in Venezuela, as well as respect for human rights and the full force of the Rule of Law.

“Remaining silent in the face of what is happening in Venezuela is tantamount to accepting the violation of fundamental rights. Failing to denounce the political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis in that country would mean being accomplices of those who seek to destroy their democratic institutions”:. EPN

Mexico, vocation for support

"This vocation of support for refugees and migrants is still alive in Mexico. In the past five years has our country provided shelter and complementary protection to nearly nine thousand people, mainly from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Venezuela”: EPN