Source: Ministry of Health
Here are ten facts on obesity in Mexico:
1. 42.6% of men over 20 years of age are overweight and 26.8% obese. (Source: National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012).
2. 35.5% of women over 20 years of age are overweight and 37.5% obese. (Source: National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012).
3. In Mexico, approximately 7 out of 10 adults are overweight.
4. Check your weight and height! A man’s waist should measure less than 90 cm and a woman’s less than 80 cm.
5. About 30% of children are overweight or obese.
6. One out of every 5 deaths in the country is caused by diabetes, an obesity-associated disease.
7. The government launched the National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity and Diabetes, which consists of three pillars: public health, timely medical care, health regulation and a tax policy for health.
8. We should do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
9. Physical activity is any bodily movement that requires more energy than rest. This includes walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga and mowing the lawn.
10. Include one fruit or vegetable; a cereal or legume and animal products in every meal and drink two liters (8 glasses) of water a day.