The Foreign Ministry reports that, after long negotiations with the U.S. Department of State, a decision favorable to Mexico's interests was reached regarding the professional service providers (PSPs) for Mexico's consulates in the U.S.
As a result of the negotiations, all those holding A-2 visas whose accreditation with the State Department expired in August 2021 will be temporarily exempt—for at least one year—from the U.S. government measure adopted in 2016 limiting accreditation of A-2 visa holders to a maximum of five years.
This will enable A-2 visa holders to take the steps necessary to leave the United States no later than the expiration date of their accreditation.  Similarly, Mexico's diplomatic and consular representations in the U.S. will have a period of over a year to make an orderly transition to ensure that the important and committed services provided by PSPs to our fellow countrymen continues.
The Foreign Ministry commends the important work done by the Mexican embassy in the United States, and the ministry’s areas for North America and Foreign Service and Human Resources to achieve this outcome that benefits hundreds of PSPs and their families.
This effort is recognition that the PSPs in our consulates in the U.S. are essential to the work of the consulates and to the wellbeing of our citizens.