• Coordination on repatriation flights resumes, with two pilot flights
  • Mexico and Venezuela reiterate their commitment to address the structural causes that lead to irregular migration in the region, in order to manage migration humanely

As part of the commitments of the Palenque Meeting "for a fraternal neighborhood with well-being,” held on October 22, Mexico and Venezuela have decided to strengthen their cooperation on migration.

Among the first actions, the two countries agreed to restart coordinated repatriation flights for Venezuelans, with two pilot flights yesterday and today, December 29 and 30.

In addition, both countries are working on putting social programs in place in Venezuela that will benefit repatriated individuals and others by placing them with productive projects and paid internships in workplaces, based on the Mexican programs Sembrando Vida (Sowing Life) and Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro (Youths Building the Future) and linked to the Venezuelan program Vuelta a la Patria (Returning Home).

Mexico and Venezuela reiterate their commitment to addressing the structural causes that lead to irregular migration in the region, and to achieving the humanitarian management of migration, in order to move towards safe, orderly and regular migration with full respect for human rights.