Double Nationality

If you have another nationality in addition to Mexican nationality, this information is for you.

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores | 21 de diciembre de 2022

What is dual nationality?

Individuals born abroad to a Mexican parent have two or more nationalities, as do those born in Mexico whose mother(s) or father(s) (or both) are foreigners.

Whether or not you have dual nationality depends on the laws of the other country involved. It may be that the other country considers you to be a citizen even if you do not accept its nationality. In addition, in some countries, the laws prohibit you from renouncing nationality under any circumstance, or they require a formal act of renunciation.

Having dual or multiple nationalities can mean that you are eligible for benefits such as employment opportunities, social benefits (such as education, medical care, pensions), property rights and unrestricted residence rights.

Is dual nationality allowed in Mexico?

Since 1998, the Mexican Nationality Law allows Mexicans to have another nationality in addition to their Mexican one. This is very important because dual (or multiple) nationality implies an extension of rights for the dual national. However, there are also responsibilities associated with having more than one nationality.

If I have another nationality besides the Mexican one and I travel abroad, do I need to do anything?

-        If an individual has Mexican nationality and an additional one, as well, they must leave and return to Mexico using their Mexican nationality. They must "identify themselves, without exception, as a national" of Mexico (Nationality Law, Art.12).

-        If you have dual nationality and travel to a country where you also have nationality, you may:

-        Be required to perform military service;

-        Face legal proceedings for offenses committed against the laws of that country, even if they were committed abroad;

-        Have tax obligations;

-        Find that your Mexican nationality is not recognized by the other country;

-        Be entitled to only limited consular protection from Mexico.



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