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Strategic alliance for health in the Americas

More than 30 years of technical and health cooperation

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria | 06 de septiembre de 2023
Senasica specialists work permanently with other sanitary agencies in the Americas to reinforce defense barriers against latent risks of pests and diseases Senasica specialists work permanently with other sanitary agencies in the Americas to reinforce defense barriers against latent risks of pests and diseases

Senasica and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) have maintained a technical collaboration relationship for more than three decades, which has been a key element in positioning Mexico as a world reference in agri-food quality and health.

The cooperation between the two organizations aims to protect the national agri-food sector and consequently the American continent from pests and diseases of economic importance, which contributes to the strengthening of small and medium-sized producers and the safe exchange of healthy and safe food.

As a result of this synergy, Senasica specialists work permanently with other sanitary agencies in the Americas to reinforce defense barriers against latent risks of pests and diseases, such as African swine fever (ASF), which has been present in the Dominican Republic and Haiti for more than a year, and Fusarium oxysporum Foc race 4 Tropical (R47), which affects bananas, a fungus that has been detected in Colombia and Peru.

Constant communication between sister countries in the region has proven to be effective, so during 2023, cooperation is planned to focus on digital extension programs to facilitate producers' access to information and agricultural technologies at a distance.

For more information, please visit: Mexico and Inter-American organization sign alliance to protect the national and American agricultural sector


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