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Certified meat products within consumers' reach

The TIF seal is a synonym of excellence

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria | 29 de febrero de 2024
In order to make more consumers aware of the convenience of consuming Senasica-certified foods, Agriculture called on the meat industry to reinforce its nationwide information campaigns In order to make more consumers aware of the convenience of consuming Senasica-certified foods, Agriculture called on the meat industry to reinforce its nationwide information campaigns

Did you know that of the more than 10 million tons of meat products consumed in Mexico, nearly 6.2 million tons are produced under the Federal Inspection Type (TIF) system, which provides health and safety guarantees to the population? 

The TIF establishments have veterinarians authorized by Senasica who verify the application of contamination risk reduction systems and ensure that the meat comes from healthy animals.

In order to make more consumers aware of the convenience of consuming Senasica-certified foods, Agriculture called on the meat industry to reinforce its nationwide information campaigns. 

It is important to point out that at the international level, Mexican meat products are increasingly better positioned, since according to industry data, during 2023, 498,438 tons were exported to more than 65 countries, including the United States, Japan, China, South Korea, Canada, Cuba, Guatemala, Hong Kong and Gabon.  

For more information visit: Mexico advances in production and consumption of certified meat products: Agriculture 


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