Vitamin D in pregnancy plays a fundamental role for the fetus. It is estimated that 90% of the vitamin D that we require is produced through the action of sunlight on the body and the remaining 10% comes from food.

During pregnancy, vitamin D contributes to the prevention of development of chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes in the adult age of the product; However, the lack of sun exposure causes a deficit of this compound.

The advisable thing to do during the gestational stage of the woman, is to have solar exposition for about 15 minutes, three times a week without the use of sun blockers.

In a cohort study (a particular form of longitudinal study that sample a cohort, performing a cross-section at intervals through time) of the National Institute of Perinatology (INPer) involving 70 healthy women, it was observed that about 21% of the participants who are in the third trimester of pregnancy had blood levels of vitamin D below the recommendations, essential substance for the metabolism of calcium and mineralization of the bones of the fetus.

The results also showed that only 13% of women had adequate vitamin D concentrations until the end of pregnancy.

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