Did you know that failing to do so can cause serious harm to the health of the mother and baby?

Excessive weight gain can cause gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or fluid retention in pregnant women, which also puts the baby at risk.

To achieve a healthy pregnancy, the woman must carry out self-care, preventive and during gestation, as a balanced diet, low-impact physical activity such as swimming or fixed bicycle, taking folic acid and attending her prenatal medical appointments.

They should also take folic acid for at least three to four months before conception, eat a balanced diet and, above all, avoid excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats.

It is often observed that during the first three months the weight of the mother is maintained and even decreased, then the increase must be at least 750 grams and maximum one kilo and a half, so that at the end of this stage is between 12 and 15 kilos.

It is recommended to consume in the daily diet 40 percent of carbohydrates, equal percentage of lipids and 20 percent of proteins.

Pregnant women are elevated in metabolic fusion, so the caloric intake they receive is consumed more quickly and it is vital that they carry out breakfast, collation (yogurt or a fruit or a cereal bar), food, another collation and dinner.

Fasts should be avoided for more than three hours.

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