At the end of this year the Mexico´s National Cancer Registry will be ready, a tool that will provide a current view of the prevalence of this disease, as well as the impact of the actions carried out by the Ministry of Health of this country to reduce its prevalence.

The registry will integrate all those who have a diagnosis of cancer, as well as new cases that are detected. One of the objectives of this database will be to follow up the patients for a period of five years, which will allow to know the behavior of the different cancer tumors.

This tool will have international variables that will allow you to make comparative analyzes with other countries, such as age, gender, clinical stage, histological diagnosis, molecular tests, treatment and mortality.

The National Institute of Cancerology (INCan) will be in charge of forming this registry, for it was divided the country in the north, center and south.

The cities of Guadalajara, Merida, Campeche, Puebla, Hermosillo and Monterrey, will obtain a representative sample at the national level.

Guadalajara has a record of 100 thousand people, who have been followed for more than 10 years, while the city of Mérida has accounted for nearly 2,500 patients in two years.

It is estimated that each year in Mexico the cancer causes the death of 90 thousand people, placing it as the third cause of death.

The most frequent tumors among Mexicans are: breast, prostate, cervix-uterine, liver, lung, leukemia and lymphomas.

Among the risk factors for contracting the disease are: smoking, obesity, overweight and sedentary lifestyle.

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