On April 21, during the second official visit of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ (IACHR) follow-up mechanism for the case of the missing students from the rural teachers’ college in Ayotzinapa, Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray met with Commissioner Esmeralda Arosamena de Troitiño, IACHR Rapporteur for Mexico and coordinator of the follow-up mechanism.

IACHR Executive Secretary Paulo Abrão and the Foreign Ministry’s Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Ambassador Miguel Ruíz Cabañas, also attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Foreign Secretary Videgaray acknowledged that Mexico faces significant human rights challenges and he stressed the importance of cooperation and the scrutiny of the international and regional organizations for strengthening the steps taken in this area. He also highlighted the commitment of President Peña Nieto’s administration with the IACHR, as well as his political and financial support that allows it to effectively protect and promote human rights in our region.

Regarding the follow-up mechanism for Iguala, Foreign Secretary Videgaray reiterated that the Mexican government was ready to provide all possible cooperation and means for the mechanism to do its work effectively, given the common interest in illuminating the facts of the case, finding the truth, and ensuring that all those responsible are brought to justice. He said that the Office of the Attorney General had drawn up a timetable for the next six months that would enable the IACHR to follow up on pending issues in the investigation, search and attention to the victims.

Lastly, Foreign Secretary Videgaray stressed the importance of the commission’s role in monitoring the human rights of the Mexican immigrants in the United States and the precautionary measures it had issued that strengthen the ongoing efforts of the Mexican government to provide legal assistance and protection to them. He specifically mentioned the importance of the requests for precautionary measures presented recently by various bodies. At the meeting, the participants agreed on the importance of working together to avoid both discrimination against Mexican immigrants and the violation of their fundamental rights. Both the Foreign Ministry and the IACHR will continue to work together and to exchange information to provide as much protection possible to the Mexican immigrants in the United States.

The visit of Rapporteur Arosamena de Troitiño and Executive Secretary Abrão demonstrates the Mexican government’s commitment to the IACHR and to promoting and protecting human rights in the Americas.  
