The CONAGO Commission for Equality between Women and Men was created in 2014 to institutionalize a gender perspective in the states, promote equality and non-discrimination, eradicate violence against women and coordinate with the federal government on strategies and actions for the inclusion of girls, adolescents, women and the elderly in state-level public policies.

The agreement was signed by CONAGO coordinator and the governor of Yucatan, Rolando Zapata Bello. Foreign Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu, the governor of the state of Mexico and CONAGO President Eruviel Ávila, and the governor of Coahuila and coordinator of the Human Rights Commission, Rubén Moreira attended the event, and Lorena Cruz Sánchez, President the National Women's Institute, was a witness of honor.

The agreement will organize the two parties’ collaboration on implementing Mexico’s international commitments regarding gender equality and non-discrimination. The Foreign Ministry will assist CONAGO in taking steps to effectively protect the rights of women and girls within the states.

In her remarks, the Foreign Secretary said that in order to achieve gender equality, it is necessary to first eradicate violence against women.

Today, the Foreign Ministry demonstrated once again that gender equality is a foreign policy priority and reaffirmed the federal government’s commitment to the issue.