• What is the aim of the course?

The goal is to improve the participants’ understanding of human rights, gender equality, digital inclusion and the various problems that arise from migrating, in order to improve the care and services for migrant women and their families. The course focuses on the circumstances of Mexicans abroad and of foreign citizens in Mexico.

  • Who is it for?

Government officials and civil society organizations that address the needs of women migrants and their families. 
Anyone interested in the issue of migration from a gender perspective.

  • What are the requirements?

You must have an email address. 
Fill out the registration form here: http//mujermigrante.mx/cursoenlinea
You will need to spend a minimum of 4 hours per week on the course. 
You should enjoy reading, have good organizational skills and be able to work independently.  
Necessary computer skills: know how to browse the internet and word processing.

  • What does the course cover?

Module 1:. Human mobility 
Module 2: Human rights and migration 
Module 3: Digital inclusion: an opportunity for social inclusion of migrants and their families 
Module 4: Impact of migration from a gender perspective 
Module 5: Risk factors related to migration

  • What are the registration deadlines?

Group 1: Registration deadline is June 29. Course begins on July 4 and ends on September 9.  
Group 2: Registration deadline is July 27. Course begins on August 1 and ends on October 7.

For more information, write to capacitación.mujermigrante@gmail.com
