The Finance Secretary (@LVidegaray) mentioned 10 key points about the Mexican economy:

1. The government has adopted responsible and prudent policies that are serving it well in this adverse international environment.

2. Mexico has a flexible credit line with the IMF, international recognition of its responsible macroeconomic policies.

3. Strong policies have enabled Mexico to grow more than other comparable economies and more than in previous years.

4. The growth of the Mexican economy is underpinned by the strength of its domestic market.

5. Timely implementation of structural reforms is strengthening the performance of key sectors of the economy.

6. Mexico has followed the correct path regarding trade liberalization and this has strengthened our competitiveness.

7. As part of North America, Mexico is located in one of the world’s most economically dynamic regions.

8. This government has taken unprecedented steps to promote industrial development in order to increase and democratize productivity.

9. Mexico's commitment to the rule of law by fighting illegality has improved the business climate and is attracting more investment.

10. Mexico has developed new investment vehicles to boost the development of strategic sectors.

Finance Secretary Videgaray concluded by saying that the Mexican economy has solid monetary and tax policies, and an agenda of structural reforms that will allow it to stand out in the international arena. 

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