With the presidential representation, the Secretary of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, participated in the panel discussion "Mexico and its Global Perspective" at the 10th Summit Private Capital in Mexico.

Guajardo Villarreal said that the Structural Reforms, promoted by President Enrique Peña Nieto, consolidate a fundamental transformation package that allows the opening to the outside is effective and the successes are not left only in large companies but that permeate into the Small and Medium Businesses, increasing the value chains in the international context.

He stressed that the global competition forces to have public policy actions that allow deregulate the domestic markets and give the ability to make effective those investments. He mentioned that Mexico is a natural platform for the development of value chains. "But for making this platform effective it was necessary to have done a task we did not 20 years ago: open up themselves was not enough; the background task was to make the Mexican economy more competitive".

Accompanied by Luis de la Calle, who moderated the event, and Gerardo Gutiérrez Candiani, President of the Business Coordinating Council, the Secretary of Economy said that the development of human resources should further encourage. Otherwise, our competitiveness will be lost in one of the major areas of development of industry and services in Mexico.

The Forum is presented from 25 to 27 March and is attended by entrepreneurs, investors and private capital specialists, including Ernesto Cervera, Group of Economists and Associates; Valner Sandor, CEO of Walton Street Capital; Manuel Rodríguez, representative of GBM Infrastructure; Carlos Noriega, representative of the Mexican Association of Retirement Funds Administrators; Raúl Solís, representative of Nacional Financiera (NAFIN); Joseph Oriol, representative of the Mexican Stock Exchange; Christian Warnholtz, representative of Wamex Private Equity; Carlos Bussey, official the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation; and Alfonso Garcia Tamés, representative of Banamex.

The aim of the event is to generate new business networks that fructify in investment opportunities to generate a more growth and economic development in Mexico.