You've been waiting for this great event for a month. A day before you start to feel a pain in the forehead and pray that nothing happens. Right on the morning of the big day awake with a huge, red, swollen and painful grain on the forehead. Does it sound familiar to you?

Many teenagers do. Acne is a very common skin problem. It is estimated to affect 9.4% of the world's population.

Virtually all adolescents have acne at some point, but only between 15% and 20% develop it moderately or severely, and more in men than women.

If the pores of the skin become clogged, different types of acne are produced: blackheads, white-tipped grains and other deep and painful cyst.

Acne can be triggered by various factors, such as hormonal changes related to menstrual periods that make skin greasier, pregnancy, birth control pills or stress, which could explain why before the big day appeared those grains on the forehead .

Also cosmetics or greasy hair products, high humidity, heavy sweat and some medications can trigger the onset of acne.

With this scenario, what can and cannot be done?

  • Wash your face with mild soap only twice a day to avoid drying.
  • Remove all dirt from the face or make-up.
  • Avoid carving, scrubbing or exfoliating
  • Do not squeeze, scratch, scratch or rub the grains, as this can cause scars or skin infections.
  • Avoid greasy creams or cosmetics.
  • Do not leave makeup on at night.
  • Not to worry, in most cases the acne disappears after adolescence.

However, if the acne is severe, gets worse, leaves scars or is causing emotional distress, you should contact a doctor.

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