On March 8, the world joins to commemorate the struggle of women for the recognition and exercise of their rights. Since 1975, International Women's Day addresses issues related to women's activity, their empowerment and their rights.

This 2018, the theme of International Women's Day is "Now is the time: Rural and urban activists transform the lives of women". Certainly, many things have been transforming into the lives of women around the world and Mexico is not the exception.

Since the eighties, the participation of women in the labor market increased. While in the nineties, out of every 100 women of working age only worked around 16, by 2016 this figure increased to 43 women.

According to the National Occupation and Employment Survey, the economic participation rate was 43.9%; that is, almost half of women of working age have or are looking for job.

The contribution of women to health covers dimensions such as domestic health care; in the community as carers, in the health system as professionals, among others.

Health and illness among Mexican women has also shown transformations. Figures from the Global Burden of Illness study show that, in 1990, the first five causes of disease were 1) diarrheal diseases, 2) lower respiratory tract infections, 3) diabetes, 4) preterm birth complications and 5) ischemic heart disease.

For 2016, the main diseases were 1) diabetes, 2) ischemic heart disease, 3) migraine, 4) low back pain and 5) other musculoskeletal disorders.

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