If you think carefully, plastic is everywhere. It is in everyday objects, in supplies for health, in our footwear, in utensils, in household goods, in our accessories, in bottles to transport liquids.

On June 5, as part of World Environment Day, the United Nations Organization chose plastic pollution as the theme for this year. According to their estimates, 500 billion plastic bags are used every year in the world and in the last decade we have produced more plastic than in the last century.

As if this was not enough, half of the plastic produced is disposable (or only used once), and in general, plastic constitutes 10% of all waste generated in the world.

Pollution by plastic is a global problem, especially the amount of waste that ends up in the oceans: about 8 million tons per year, which threatens marine and also human life.

In addition to pollution to ecosystems, plastics can produce direct risks to human health. For example, exposure to certain substances contained in plastics (known as endocrine disruptors) can produce alterations in reproductive function, cause changes in the immune response, among other effects, since these chemical compounds have an effect similar to that of some hormones.

Against this background, it is essential to become aware of the importance of reducing our consumption of plastic products.

We can all go down to the use of plastic. Remember, if you can not reuse it, reject it.

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