In this age of technological revolution, do not lose the ability to communicate person person with our children, let's take a few minutes to see them in the eye and talk about the issues that interest them, said the Mexico’s Undersecretary of Prevention and Promotion of Health, Pablo Kuri Morales.

An estimated of 39.4 million young people between 12 and 29 years, live in Mexico, 51.5% are women and 48.5% men.

About health, in Mexico we have over one thousand five hundred friendly services for adolescents, and nearly six thousand young trainers in the areas of risk prevention, who have contributed in teaching 2041 talks and 755 informative courses for more than 250 thousand young people.

With this and other measures, we promote the active participation of our youth in self-care. We promote the culture of prevention on issues that affect them, such as sexual health, violence and inappropriate eating habits within a framework of respect for human rights, equality and multiculturalism.

Young people must have confidence that we have in @SSalud_mx friendly, confidential services where care is provided with quality and warmth.

Check here for more information on preventing health risks in youth:

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