Mexico´s Ministry of Health recommends not using home remedies to address problems of colic in minors or to lower blood pressure in adults, because they can cause severe damage and in some cases death.

Effect of herbs in minors:

  • Chamomile: is commonly used against diarrhea. This infusion is contraindicated in children under one year of age, because it affects the intestinal villi, which is responsible for absorbing nutrients.
  • Star anise tea, which is used to control infantile colic, and which causes poisoning and/or seizures.

Effect of herbs in adults:

  • Birdseed tea to stabilize the pressure. However, this causes a sudden drop infusion that can cause death.
  • Ginger has many beneficial properties, but its constant use causes severe hypotension, which is lower than normal blood pressure, which means the heart, brain and other parts of the body do not get enough blood.

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