To keep the kidneys healthy, nephrology specialists in the Health Sector recommend that men and women undergo a general urine test and a blood chemistry test after age 40.

Through these laboratory tests, excess protein or red blood cells can be detected in the urine, so a study protocol should be initiated to identify the state of the kidneys.

Renal health is essential, since the kidneys filter waste and excess fluid in the blood, but when kidney failure occurs, fluid retention levels, electrolytes and waste accumulate in the body causing excess urea - crystalline and colorless chemical compound that is found abundantly in the urine and fecal matter in the blood.

Timely control of blood pressure and high cholesterol can prevent hemodialysis and then kidney transplantation; also avoid bad habits such as sedentary lifestyle and smoking contributes to patients with kidney damage do not have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness, sleep problems, changes in the production of urine, decreased mental acuity, muscle spasms, cramps, swelling of feet and ankles.

In the framework of the World Kidney Day, which is celebrated on March 14, the Secretary of Health recommends that patients with kidney damage maintain adequate treatment to reduce complications and progression of the disease.

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